Thursday, March 26, 2009

No sunlight

Well, I've already broken my promise to myself in that I haven't posted in over a week. I blame it on two very addictive video games: Street Fighter 4 and Pokemon Platinum.

I know, who plays Pokemon anymore? My friends and I do. Platinum just got released this past Sunday, and these games are too addictive. I won't go into any details, because if you've played a Pokemon game before they're all very similar, and this iteration is very similar to the previous Diamond and Pearl, but I'm having tons of fun with it so far.

Street Fighter 4 is a totally different game. I've never played a Street Fighter game before, except for a short stint with Street Fighter 2, but I picked up the fourth on the day it was released and it is great. I started off playing Cammy, but now have moved on to Akuma. He is a beast. I play online as much as I can, but mainly I only get to play with friends at parties. I've managed to get a few into playing it, as well as one who has played almost every other Street Fighter game and loves SF4 so far. I would only recommend it if you are big into fighting games however. As with most other fighting games (excluding Super Smash Bros.), this is hard to get into unless you already enjoy fighting games, as you cannot win by simply button-mashing. It requires you to take the time to learn combinations of moves for whichever character you choose to play, and requires the knowledge of when to use them and how to use them. Basically, it takes a lot of practice.

Outside of the recent video games I've been playing... I ordered my ticket to the Death Cab for Cutie/Ra Ra Riot show in Austin on May 1st. Can't wait for that. Also, on Monday, my Coheed and Cambria Neverender "Children of the Fence" box set came in. I've been holding myself back from watching it as a friend and I are watching it together tomorrow, all 7 hours in a row. It will be epic. I'll hopefully post an update on how that was soon. I've been listening to a lot of Rilo Kiley lately, "Portions for Foxes" is a great song.

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