Tuesday, March 17, 2009

One more time

Ever since I first watched the web phenomenon known as Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, I have been huge fans of Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion (I had already been a fan of Neil Patrick Harris... I mean, who isn't?). I had seen Nathan in the movie Serenity, but did not pick up on how great he was until Dr. Horrible. If you have not seen Dr. Horrible yet, I urge you to watch it. It is a three part webseries that spans around 43 minutes. If you search the internet, you should be able to find it somewhere easily enough.

When I heard that Nathan was getting his own television show, "Castle," I was excited. I watched the series premiere last week and enjoyed it enough to keep watching. Mr. Fillion is a funny guy. The second episode was yesterday, and in my opinion it was even better than the first. Nathan's character is named Rick Castle, hence the title of the show, and in both episodes I have found him entertaining. However, I found his mother, who makes brief appearances throughout the show, annoying in the first episode. In the second, she seemed much more likable, and the relationship between Castle, his mother, and his daughter, was fleshed out more. Also, the pairing of Castle and the cop he is following, played by Stana Katic, works very well. So far "Castle" has proven itself exciting and entertaining enough to keep me watching. If you have not checked it out, I encourage you to. It is on every Monday night at 9 PM CST, on ABC.

Felicia Day is a topic for another time. She's basically my celebrity crush, and I try to watch everything that she ever appears in now.

Fun fact: If you didn't already know, Daft Punk is scoring the soundtrack to the upcoming movie Tron 2.0. This makes me very excited! Tron 2.0's expected release is 2011 currently, however.


  1. Felicia is pretty awesome. She was so cute in that House episode...you know, even though she was dying and stuff.

  2. Yes, I liked seeing her... with the top of her head gone...
